Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feels great to have our family together!

All of the excitement of the guys returning from their deployment is settling down now. It is so nice to have our family together and to almost feel like we have a normal life again. haha. We had an 80's themed party last weekend and that was so much fun!!! Good times with great friends! Counting down the days until we go home to GA next week. Its going to be a great time! My great grandmother, Mimi, is in the hospital and going to be having surgery soon. She is 89 years old. Thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated... Guess thats all for now. Have a great week! :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We had a great weekend! We went camping with the Neel Family. Patty and Steven had never been camping before in Alaska and neither had Mason so we thought this would be our last chance this year. Good thing we went because it is definitely going to snow within the next couple of days here. It was a nice break from TV, internet and phones for a few days. Mason did great. Of course we had to rent a camper for the baby and I but that is definitely considered camping in my book. Randy and Steven were both so sick of chopping wood by the end of the trip! We had great food and great company. Other than the camping trip there hasn't been too much going on around here. Mason is talking more and playing more and it is so exciting to see him grow like that! He is such a wonderful baby! We are going back to GA for a few weeks on October 9th so we are getting excited about that. I guess that is all for now, more to come later...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Exciting things going on!

Randy is home!!! He has been home for about a week now and we couldn't be happier! It is definitely an adjustment for both of us to go from being alone and doing things our way to making it work together again after a whole year, but we are figuring it out. I have spent a lot of time and effort in the last couple of weeks trying to make our house a home and am pretty satisfied with the result. It was so much fun to do the nursery for Mason and everything looks great! I do miss our family and friends already, but if this is where we have to be to be together then so be it for now. We have the rest of our lives to live in Georgia. I am taking on a new attitude about this Alaska thing.... attempting to embrace it because there's nothing I can do to change it. lol.